Help with proposal

Crystallization of thoughts and giving it a shape in the form of research is exactly what a dissertation proposal should contain. But to do this one needs to identify the gap areas or areas where  there is still some research required to fill in the puzzle, at the same time it is desirable to identify a research area such that work on which, will benefit the society in some way. At the very nascent stage of the course, students are flooded with ideas which often lead to being directionless. This is turn amounts to loss of valuable time, since unless a dissertation proposal is finalized and approved, the research sanctions will not come through. Our consultants guide you through this tad difficult phase to shape up and draft a feasible dissertation which meets the university guidelines as satisfies your research goals as well.

The first and foremost step to writing a research proposal is an exhaustive diligent literature review and prior art search. Many postgraduate students leave their respective courses half way through since they miss on this very important step of literature review. Prior art search and literature review gives an in-depth understanding of the chosen area of interests and gives one a foothold in the field. A well researched review literature not only gives a boost to the research approach but also forms an effective chapter in the thesis going forward.

Our experts guide through this process of review literature, help you remain in track and not lose sight of the actual goal. Once the topic of the research has been decided by you, we will help you write the proposal and you can rest assured that the proposal will be accepted by your advisor and your research guidance committee. We have experts in our team from different areas such as life-sciences, humanities, social sciences, basic sciences, mathematics.